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Economic Recovery & Reform Activity

About the program

The Economic Recovery and Reform Activity (ERRA) is a five-year program (2022 – 2027) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through TradeMark Africa – TMA (formerly TradeMark East Africa). ERRA aims to promote transformative trade and investment reforms in the East and Horn of Africa while supporting the region to return to a growth pathway and recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic while advancing competitiveness, resilience, and sustainability. 

TradeMark Africa (TMA) is an Aid-for-Trade organization established in 2010 to grow prosperity through trade. By facilitating trade along economic corridors, deepening regional integration, and supporting inclusivity through women in trade, TMA has made an impact by decreasing the time and cost of trade, boosting exports, and creating jobs. 

About Us

Photo Credit -TMA


Job creation

Job Creation

Create jobs by supporting inclusive export growth, particularly for women and youth, in key export value chains in agriculture and cotton, textile, and garments (CTG).

Trade facilitation

Capacity Development to Facilitate Trade

Facilitate trade by strengthening the capacity of national and regional bodies to widen and deepen regional integration in the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and the regional economic communities.

Economic Resilience

Economic Resilience

Strengthen resilience against shocks by supporting vulnerable groups, such as women traders and young entrepreneurs, and facilitating more effective delivery and sourcing of humanitarian aid.


local partnerships

Local Partnerships

ERRA is a demand-driven program which works with local partners to empower and strengthen institutional capacities to engender local ownership and sustainability.

Gender and Youth

Gender and Youth

The Program will both mainstream and design specific interventions that target women and youth to support greater inclusivity of ERRA interventions.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

ERRA will also promote greater climate change resilience and reduction of CO2 emissions by mainstreaming climate mitigation and adaptation measures in all our workstreams while also designing specific interventions.


In the News

Calendar of Events

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in our recent Call for Applications under the Kenya funding window of the USAID-ERRA APS. The application window closed on April 16, 2024, and we are currently in various administrative and technical evaluations and co-creation stages.

We appreciate the time and effort you put into your proposals. Please be informed that applicants who pass the initial evaluation stages (administrative and technical evaluation) will be progressively contacted for further steps.

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at this email address: