About us

The Board Of

Guided By International
Best Practice.

The Board is chaired by Amb. Erastus Mwencha, who is the former Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission; Vice Chair Susan Kiama, People Operations at Twiga Foods. Members include; Alex Fraser, who is Senior Adviser on Intra-African Trade and development for the African division of the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Patricia Ojangole, CEO of Uganda Development Bank, Gabriel Negatu, Managing Director of Invest Afrique Inc and formerly Director General Eastern Africa, African Development Bank; Cellestine Munda, Government and Infrastructure lead Ernst&Young; David Luke, Strategic Director Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, London School of Economics, Lola Ekugo a digital and innovation expert and Chief Digital Officer at FBN Quest (an arm of FBN Holdings PLC), Sanjay Rughani, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), Uganda and Professor Dominic McVey MBE, an exceptional business leader and board director with extensive experience in building businesses and not for profits across the African continent.

Our Board of Directors

Erastus Mwencha

Board Chairman

Susan Kiama

Vice Board Chairperson

Patricia Ojangóle

Board Member

Gabriel Negatu

Board Member

David Luke

Board Member

Celestine Munda

Board Member

Lola Aworanti-Ekugo

Board Member

Sanjay Rughani

Board Member

Dominic Mcvey

Board Member

Alexander Fraser

Board Member