PUBLISHED ON September 2nd, 2014

European and African ports executives to meet in Mombasa

PORT executives from Africa and Europe are to meet in Mombasa, Kenya next month for the Pan-African Association for Port Co-operation (PAPC) conference.

The conference will take place from 16 to 19 September to discuss key issues concerning ports and the maritime industry on the two continents and in the world in general.

A media statement issued by Port Management Association for Eastern and Southern Africa (PMAESA) Communications Officer George Sunguh last Wednesday, said the conference will take place under the theme, ‘Contemporary Port Developments and Management: Alignment with AIMS 2050’.

Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIMS 2050) strategy is an effort to reclaim the continent’s maritime security agenda and to move it beyond the international counter-piracy agenda.

The conference will incorporate the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) Africa-Europe regional meeting, the PAPC General Council and the PMAESA General Council.

“The objective of this Conference is to enhance the African Union’s drive in achieving the AIMS 2050 objectives of exploiting Africa’s blue economy. It is a step towards attaining an in-depth awareness of the strategy and how PAPC can learn from and synergise with their European peers from the IAPH platform through the Africa-Europe Regional Group,” reads the statement.

Sunguh said key speakers who will address a wide range of subjects have been drawn from regional and global economic and trade organisations such as the Africa Union Commission, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO).

“The PAPC conferences are unique to other maritime and port events. They are organised for specific purposes, for specific objectives and at the behest of the industry players themselves. They are managed by the ports and maritime stakeholders for dynamism and strategic objectives, to holistically improve how the industry operates,” said Sunguh.

The PAPC is the port industry association for the African continent, established by the three sub-regional Port Management Associations of Africa, namely: North African Port Management Association (UAPNA), Port Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA) and Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa (PMAESA).

The Pan-African Association for Port Co-operation works to provide a forum for co-operation among its members on matters concerning port development in Africa and to promote the image of African ports in the world.

The conference will be hosted by the Kenya Ports Authority and is organised by the PAPC Secretariat in conjunction with the three port management associations from West and Central Africa, East and Southern Africa and North Africa.

– Nampa

Source URL: All Africa

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