Our Projects are
Transforming African Trade
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2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands
The Mirama Hills road route offers a shorter and less difficult route to Rwanda than passing through the Katuna/Gatuna border post. This unpaved section of 37 Km of Northern Corridor road network was a major constraint to the better operationalisation of a one stop border post at Kagitumba and Mirama Hills is expected to decrease the time for goods to be transported between Kampala and Kigali and increase the volume of traffic using this route.
The project focused on upgrading and paving of the road to bitumen standards from Ntungamo to Mirama Hills Border (aprrox 37 Km long). The works consist of upgrading the road from gravel to Class II Bitumen Standard, with 7m-wide carriageway of asphalt concrete surfacing and 2No. 1.5m-wide double surface dressed shoulders. The project is related to the TMA supported projects that will provide:
Improved physical infrastructure that is fit for purpose will contribute to reducing the time that it takes for goods to cross the Burundi-Tanzanian border, which will in turn contribute to reducing trade costs in East Africa
Burundi Bureau of Standards (BBN) simplify and increase the transparency of import/export procedures; producers improve the quality of products produced; bureau of standards staff and producers improve their understanding of standards and requirements. Together, the results lead to national bureau of standards improving efficiency and effectiveness of testing.
The NMC Coordinator is fully operational; An NMC Strategy is elaborated and validated; a National Action Plan is elaborated and implemented. Together these results will lead to the strengthening of the NMC for the elimination of NTBs in Burundi