PUBLISHED ON October 28th, 2014

EAC ministerial meeting opens in Kigali to review integratgion

The 21st Meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers responsible for East African Community (EAC) Affairs and Planning (SCMEACP) is currently underway in Kigali, Rwanda.

The meeting is being held through the session of Senior officials from October 27 to 29; the session of Permanent/Principal Secretaries from October 29 to 30; and the Ministerial session is on October 31.

The meeting is considering the status of implementation of previous decisions of the SCMEACP; progress report on the status of implementation of the EAC Common Market and status of the EAC Institutional Review.

It will also consider a proposal on the Tenure of Service for Professional Staff of the Community; report on Political Affairs; report of the 3rd Secretary General’s Forum; status of implementation of the Video Conferencing Project; progress Report on the Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers; and lastly progress report on the EAC, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comess) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tripartite Arrangement.

EAC Deputy Secretary General (Finance and Administration), Jean Nsengiyumva reiterated the critical role of the Sectoral Council in co-ordinating regional integration process.

Source:: Standard Digital

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