PUBLISHED ON November 27th, 2014

Holili border post to begin operations soon

A ONE Stop Border Post at Holili in Moshi, Kilimanjaro Region is expected to start operations in January, next year after repairs of ICT network problems, project financiers, TradeMark Africa, has revealed.

The TMA Director of Customs and Integrated Border Management, Mr Theo Lyimo, told the ‘Daily News’ on Tuesday that repair work of the ICT network would be completed by mid-next month before operations at the post begins in January.

“We tested the ICT networks and discovered that the cabling was faulty and need to be re-done. A contractor will be at the site soon to carry out the work which should be over by mid-December,” he said in an e-mail communication.

“Border agencies should be able to relocate to the new facility in January and the OSBP should be operational from mid- January.” The US$ 5.7 million stateof- the-art infrastructure has been set up by TradeMark Africa at Holili to ease clearance of transit goods and passengers at the Tanzania and Kenya border. Another US$ 6.7 million infrastructure at the Taveta border post on the Kenyan side is on final touches.

Remaining works include paving of parking and by-pass road to Holili and will be completed by February, next year. Tanzania and Kenya have already signed a bilateral agreement to pave the way for the use of the Holili OSBP.

The two countries opted for the bilateral agreement to guide operations of the project, instead of a legal framework because it was seen it would take a long time to implement.

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) passed a legislation on one border post, but that would have required amendments of a series of EAC laws including the Customs Union Managements Act, so as to provide for changes in the way people will be crossing the borders under OSBP concept.

TradeMark Africa is providing funding and technical support to facilitate implementation of the integrated border management systems at Holili and Taveta border posts.

The idea is to improve efficiency by reducing the total average time it takes to clear cargo at the two border posts by 30 per cent which will contribute to reducing transport costs and increase intra-regional and foreign trade in East Africa.

Under the project activities of both country’s border organisations and agencies are combined at either a single common location or at a single location in either direction without increasing risk to public safety or revenue collection.

The two OSBPs are expected to offer an alternative transportation route to northern Tanzania from Kenya and reduce the time that it takes to transport goods to and from Mombasa port. This will contribute to reducing trade costs in East Africa.

Source: All Africa

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of TradeMark Africa.