PUBLISHED ON March 8th, 2024

Nakuru County and Kenya Flower Council to forge partnerships

Leonard Bor, the Nakuru County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Veterinary Services, recently welcomed Clement Tulezi, CEO of the Kenya Flower Council, in a bid to explore collaborative opportunities aimed at enhancing the flower industry in the county.

Discussions centered around forging partnerships to bolster the growth of the flower industry, leveraging Nakuru County’s conducive environment and its strategic position within Kenya’s horticultural landscape. This initiative underscores a concerted effort to capitalize on the region’s strengths and propel its contributions to Kenya’s horticultural sector forward.

The meeting held in Nakuru, witnessed the participation of notable figures within the horticultural sector, including Hosea Machuki, CEO of the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK), as well as Simon Konzolo and Edmond Lang’at from TradeMark Africa.

Nakuru County has solidified its position as a leading producer of cut flowers in Kenya, showcasing immense potential within the horticulture value chain and fostering an environment conducive for horticultural businesses to flourish.

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