PUBLISHED ON March 3rd, 2015

Speculators grab land on lapsett strip

Land speculators out to make a kill from Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport ( Lapsset) corridor project have been identified as the ones behind land grabbing in Isiolo Central sub-county.

Governor Godana Doyo claimed the speculators, working in cahoots with officers from Lands Department and private surveyors, had grabbed hectares of public land, including parcels belonging to schools.

“Land grabbing in the county, especially in Central region, has reached new heights. We have now declared total war on this group. We will start with the staff at the Lands department before zeroing in on individuals and companies,” said Mr Doyo.

“Apart from losing their job, any officer found colluding with speculators to grab public land will be dealt with according to the law,” he added.

Doyo said the county government had already started pulling down fences that had been erected at Uhuru Primary School playground, allegedly grabbed by private developers. But part of the school land near Isiolo River that had been turned into farms is yet to be repossessed.

He was speaking at Wabera Primary School at the weekend when he met primary school heads in the county. He was accompanied by Director of Education Lucy Gachu and other county officials.

Easy targets

Ms Gachu observed that Vision 2030 flagship projects such as the Isiolo Resort City, Isiolo International Airport and other infrastructural development under the Lapsset corridor project had attracted land grabbers to the county, with easy targets being schools.

She asked the Lands ministry and the county to issue public institutions with land titles to dissuade land grabbers.

“I appeal to the county government to fast-track the process of issuing title deeds to all public schools for them to undertake infrastructural development. They can do so without fear of losing property to grabbers,” said Gachu.

She said with their own title deeds, schools will be able to convince the national government to supply them with electricity.

Governor Doyo said his administration will start securing all public land to keep off grabbers and promised to issue all public primary and secondary schools with title deeds.

“We are committed to secure all public land in order to keep off land grabbers. We have started the process and all public schools will get their title deeds,” said the governor.

Sources indicate that most primary schools within Isiolo town have lost part of their land to grabbers.

Source: Standard Digital

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