PUBLISHED ON October 6th, 2014

TradeMark Africa adds its voice in the WTO 2014 Public Forum

TradeMark Africa recently participated in the WTOs Public Forum, whose theme was “Why trade matters to everyone”.

The opening speeches of the Public Forum focused on the impact of trade on the quality of people’s lives and how the perceptions of this have shifted. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon highlighted that trade can be a driver for a life of dignity for all. Director-General Roberto Azevêdo noted that the greatest proportion of supporters of trade is now found in the developing countries. Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto said that Africa has risen from a repository of natural resources to an active player in world trade.

TradeMark CEO Frank Matsaert participated in the plenary debate during Day one, with the theme “What trade means for Africa”. Click here to listen to the discussions.

TradeMark Africa also had the opportunity to show case with its partner, Rwanda Revenue Authority, the successes of the Rwanda Electronic National Single Window.

Electronic Single Window (eSW) in Rwanda – an effective tool for bringing down the costs of trade for the government, private sector and consumers. Click here to listen to the presentation.

Click here to view Frank Matsaert’s take on why trade matters

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of TradeMark Africa.