PUBLISHED ON March 23rd, 2023

Uganda ready to trade under AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative

Ugandan officials have confirmed that they too are ready to follow in the footpath of their East African Community (EAC) counterparts, Kenya and Rwanda, and start trading under the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative which was officially launched in October 2022.

The initiative launched in July 2022, sought to test the environmental, legal and trade policy basis for intra-African trade in a pilot phase that involved eight countries namely, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Tunisia, Tanzania and Rwanda.

During a meeting in Kampala, Uganda, on Tuesday, March 21, the East Africa Business Council (EABC) Vice Chairperson, Simon Kaheru, said: “As Ugandan private sector we are ready to trade under the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative and follow our counterparts from Rwanda and Kenya who have already started trading through the agreement.”

“The Implementation of African Continental Free Trade Area is projected to increase Intra-African trade significantly, especially in manufacturing.”

This was during the Private Sector Sensitization Workshop on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement on Trade in Goods Protocol organized by the EABC, the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU), and Uganda Manufacturers Association with support from GIZ as support to the bloc’s integration agenda.

During a meeting in Kampala, Uganda, on Tuesday, March 21, the East Africa Business Council (EABC) Vice Chairperson, Simon Kaheru, said: “As Ugandan private sector we are ready to trade under the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative and follow our counterparts from Rwanda and Kenya who have already started trading through the agreement.”

“The Implementation of African Continental Free Trade Area is projected to increase Intra-African trade significantly, especially in manufacturing.”

This was during the Private Sector Sensitization Workshop on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement on Trade in Goods Protocol organized by the EABC, the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU), and Uganda Manufacturers Association with support from GIZ as support to the bloc’s integration agenda.

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