

Context &

The roads project has two components: dualling the Moi international Airport Road, and upgrading Port Riez Road to bitumen standards, while enhancing the tarmacked section, to facilitate movement of goods. Both roads are located in Mombasa County. Port Reiz Road is approximately 2.6kms long, and the main link to the new container terminal.

Moi International Airport (C110) Road is approximately 3kms long, a single carriageway and constructed to bitumen standards. It starts at Changamwe roundabout to the gate of Moi International Airport. Although the section at the airport gate is a dual carriageway, it experiences major traffic delays due to congestions at grade intersections and roundabouts. This road is very important since it is the only access to the airport, which is an important gateway for tourists. Tourism is a major economic activity for Mombasa County.