Archives: Press release

TPSF and TradeMark Africa Launch Private Sector Week to Shape Tanzania’s Vision 2050

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 23 July 2024: The Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), in partnership with TradeMark Africa (TMA), announced the commencement of the Tanzania Private Sector Week (TPSW) 2024. This flagship event is set to strategically influence Tanzania's business landscape, playing a crucial role in private sector-driven economic growth. Funded by UK International Development, Norway, and Ireland, TPSW 2024 serves as an invaluable platform for reflecting on the private sector’s journey, key challenges, successes, and interventions to further improve business investment in Tanzania. This event holds special significance as it coincides with the 25th anniversary of TPSF, marking a quarter-century of steadfast dedication to the advancement of Tanzania's private sector. Under the theme, “TPSF at 25: A Legacy of Championing Private Sector Growth Towards Vision 2050,” TPSW 2024 aims to foster an inclusive dialogue, celebrating progress over the past 25 years while envisioning the future trajectory of Tanzania's private sector. This celebration underscores the private sector's fundamental role in economic growth and social transformation. A standout highlight of TPSW 2024 is the two-dialogue held on Freight and Logistics, recognizing the critical role of this sector in accelerating trade and investment. The session revisited the efforts to enhance the transportation sector as a driver of trade and industrial competitiveness. Additionally, through the dialogue TPSF, launched the Freight and Logistics Platform Guidelines and reintroduce the members of the FLP Committee to the government and the public. Meanwhile the second dialogue delved on 25 years of Private Sector Evolution: Past, Present and...

USAID and KEPSA Announce Partnership to Boost Kenyan SME Competitiveness within the AfCFTA

Nairobi, Kenya, July 09, 2024 – The United States government, through USAID’s Economic Recovery and Reform Activity (USAID-ERRA) program, implemented by TradeMark Africa (TMA) and funded by Feed the Future, has signed a grant agreement worth US$199,988, with the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA).  This collaboration will facilitate 160 Kenyan Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), particularly those owned by women and youth, to leverage opportunities in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) by linking buyers and sellers across the continent.  The AfCFTA provides a single continental market, promoting the free movement of goods and services and economic integration. This initiative is designed to enhance the agricultural export capabilities of these SMEs by addressing critical challenges, such as export readiness and trade barriers, enabling them to effectively compete and thrive in this expansive market. The project will scale up e-commerce capabilities by providing training to prepare SMEs for export; collaborate with trade facilitation agencies to tackle trade barriers; develop and implement market access strategies tailored to high-value agricultural sectors such as tea, coffee, rice, and vegetables; and raise awareness of trade opportunities presented by the AfCFTA, such as the Guided Trade Initiative (GTI) and the e-tariff book through increased sensitization and communication efforts. A critical feature of this project is the Training of Trainers (ToT), which will build long-term capacity within KEPSA to support SMEs beyond the project’s lifespan, ensuring long-term sustainability. Empowering Kenyan SMEs with the tools to access alternative markets will not only increase their export competitiveness and...

Eastern and Southern Africa Convenes Public-Private Policy Dialogue and Grain Trade Forum in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 16, 2024: The Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) in partnership with TradeMark Africa (TMA) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has today kicked-off a two day Eastern and Southern Africa Public-Private Policy Dialogue and Grain Trade Business to Business Forum in Tanzania. The forum is funded by the governments of the Netherlands and USAID’s Economic Recovery and Reform Activity (USAID-ERRA) programme implemented by TMA, alongside Food Trade Coalition for Africa (FCTA) and UK International Development. The forum provided a platform for productive dialogue and collaboration among key stakeholders in the staple foods value chain, addressing re-emerging challenges like export bans and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) that hinder trade. The event will also offer Business to Business (B2B) networking opportunity sessions. Agriculture sector is vital to Eastern Africa’s economy, crucial for food security and economic growth, yet, regional trade is often constrained by policy, and investment decisions that impede agri-food systems transformation. Climate shocks exacerbate productivity challenges, compromise quality, and increase post-harvest losses, leading to food insecurity. The discussion explored regional trade opportunities, particularly how Tanzania and Uganda, with their surplus production, can meet the staple food demands of neighbouring countries facing shortages. Speaking on behalf of Hon. Hussein Mohamed Bashe, Minister of Agriculture, Tanzania during the forum’s official opening, Ms Irene Mlola, Director General, stated, "The Tanzanian government is committed to supporting initiatives that enhance agricultural trade and food security. This forum represents a pivotal moment for us to address trade barriers...

Eastern and Southern Africa Governments Commit to Facilitate Private Sector to Undertake Trade following signing of Grain Trade Contracts valued at USD 409M

[Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – July 17, 2024] TradeMark Africa (TMA), in collaboration with the Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), successfully concluded a two-day Eastern and Southern Africa Public-Private Policy Dialogue and Grain Trade Business-to-Business Forum on July 16-17, 2024. The event convened 120 delegates, including producers, traders, millers, and exporters from nine countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, Zambia, and Ethiopia. The forum, funded by the governments of the Netherlands and USAID’s Economic Recovery and Reform Activity (USAID-ERRA) program and implemented by TMA, alongside the Food Trade Coalition for Africa (FCTA) and UK International Development, aimed to foster productive dialogue and collaboration among key stakeholders in the staple foods value chain. It addressed critical challenges such as the impact of Southern Africa drought on the region’s food security, export bans and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) that hinder regional trade. The forum featured keynote speeches, panel discussions, a regional grain trade business-to-business (B2B) sessions, and an exhibition of grain value chain technologies and services. It provided a platform to explore regional trade opportunities and address logistical challenges, ultimately facilitating the seamless movement of food from regions of surplus to regions of need. The regional grain trade B2B forum resulted to signing of trade contracts amounting to 748,854 MT of assorted grains and pulses valued at USD 409M expected to be traded across the region.This demonstrates the enormous potential and demand for staple foods from surplus...

Trade Catalyst Africa appoints Antoinette Tesha as Investment Director

Antoinette Tesha joins TCA with substantial experience in investments for export growth in both financial and development services sector. In her new role Antoinette will help lead TCA’s strategic partnerships with governments and the private sector. Nairobi, 3 July 2024: Trade Catalyst Africa (TCA), has appointed Ms Antoinette Tesha as its Investment Director. With a robust background in investment, finance, banking, and development, Antoinette brings over a decade of expertise to TCA, positioning the organization for unprecedented growth and success. Antoinette recently led Gatsby Africa’s Regional Textiles and Apparel programme in Kenya, focusing on the export growth across East Africa. Her distinguished career spans various regions and roles, from her early days at Stanbic Bank in Tanzania to senior positions at Thomson Reuters and ABSA Capital in South Africa. She has excelled in financial markets, development financing, and debt capital markets, and has a proven track record in program management and enterprise development. In her new role, Antoinette will help lead TCA’s strategic partnerships in impact investing, venture capital, and private equity. She brings best in class experience in managing investments and exits in emerging markets to deliver commercial returns. Antoinette is a certified corporate director and a member of Women in Africa Investments, with academic credentials from the University of Sussex and the University of Surrey. Commenting on the appointment, TCA CEO Mr Duncan Onyango, said: "We are confident that Antoinette's diverse background and passion will drive our success. Her ability to build trust quickly and manage stakeholder relationships...

The AfCFTA, Mastercard Foundation and TradeMark Africa Collaborate on a Four-Year Fisheries Program to Empower Women and Youth in Africa

United Republic of Tanzania, Zanzibar, 25 June 2024: The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation and TradeMark Africa, has announced a four-year fisheries program to be implemented across seven countries to enable over 240,000 work opportunities and boost trade in fish and fish products by about $100 million by 2028. The “Women and Youth Economic Empowerment in Fisheries” program will enhance the participation of women and youth in fisheries in line with the adopted AfCFTA Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade. This announcement was made during the 14th Meeting of the Council of Ministers responsible for Trade in Zanzibar. The program is designed to address structural challenges women and youth face when participating in the fisheries value chain. It will offer training, facilitate access to markets and finance, catalyze supply chain linkages, create digital solutions, simplify trade regimes, enhance compliance to standards and enable streamlined cross-border market access. The program is a culmination of work between the AfCFTA Secretariat and the Mastercard Foundation. This work started with the development of the AfCFTA private sector strategy, where priority value chains were identified to boost intra-Africa trade and production. TradeMark Africa will implement the program to benefit Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia, Nigeria and selected Island states. Africa’s fisheries sector plays a major role in food security and the economic well-being for millions of households, with the World Bank noting that the...

La ZLECAf, la Fondation Mastercard et TradeMark Africa collaborent Ă  un programme de pĂŞche de quatre ans visant Ă  autonomiser les femmes et les jeunes en Afrique

République-Unie de Tanzanie, Zanzibar, 25 juin 2024 : Le Secrétariat de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), en partenariat avec la Fondation Mastercard et TradeMark Africa (TMA), a annoncé un programme de pêche de quatre ans qui sera mis en œuvre dans sept pays afin de créer plus de 240 000 opportunités d'emploi et de stimuler le commerce du poisson et des produits de la pêche d'environ 100 millions de dollars d'ici 2028. Le programme « Autonomisation économique des femmes et des jeunes dans le secteur de la pêche » renforcera la participation des femmes et des jeunes dans le secteur de la pêche, conformément au Protocole adopté par la ZLECAf sur les femmes et les jeunes dans le commerce. Cette annonce a été faite lors de la 14ème réunion du Conseil des ministres en charge du commerce à Zanzibar. Le programme est conçu pour répondre aux défis structurels auxquels les femmes et les jeunes sont confrontés lorsqu'ils participent à la chaîne de valeur de la pêche. Il offrira des formations, facilitera l'accès aux marchés et aux financements, catalysera les liens de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, créera des solutions numériques, simplifiera les régimes commerciaux, améliorera la conformité aux normes et permettra un accès rationalisé aux marchés transfrontaliers. Le programme est l'aboutissement d'un travail entre le Secrétariat de la ZLECAf et la Fondation Mastercard. Ce travail a commencé avec l’élaboration de la stratégie du secteur privé de la ZLECAf, où les chaînes de valeur prioritaires ont été identifiées pour stimuler le commerce et...

Kenya’s plant health agency launches digital certification system for plant materials to reduce transaction costs for traders and facilitate safe trade

 Nairobi, June 25, 2024: Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) has today officially launched the Integrated Export and Import Certification System (IEICS), an innovative digital platform designed to slash the time and cost associated with obtaining trade plant health certificates, licenses and permits for plant and plant materials. The system was unveiled by the Chairman of KEPHIS Joseph M'eruaki, who was representing the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development Mithika Linturi. He cited this as an important milestone for traders of plants and plant products. Congratulating KEPHIS for this innovative achievement, he singled out the IEICS as an example on how state agencies, with the support of partners such as Denmark and TradeMark Africa, are facilitating initiatives to improve the business environment through automation of systems for trade agencies. The launch of IEICS is in line with the government’s initiatives to digitise processes, thus facilitating the ease of doing business. Previously, there were two systems: the Export Certification System used to facilitate plant exports to market destinations and the Import Certification System that KEPHIS used to facilitate imports. “The new System is therefore a game-changer in how traders dealing in the import and export of plants or plant materials can engage more efficiently and seamlessly with KEPHIS and other agencies through integrated modules. Noble initiatives such as this are aligned with the Government’s efforts to improve the environment for doing business and positioning the country as an attractive destination to invest,” M'eruaki said. KEPHIS Managing Director, Prof. Theophilus M....

Financial Sector Deepening Tanzania and TradeMark Africa Partners to Boosts Financial and Digital Inclusion for Women Traders in Tanzania

Gates Foundation injects Tzs1.18billion ($453k) in the project Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 18 June 2024: In a landmark move to strengthen financial and digital inclusion for women traders in Tanzania, Financial Sector Deepening Tanzania (FSDT) and TradeMark Africa (TMA) have signed a strategic partnership that underscores their shared commitment to empower women by expanding their access to digital financial solutions, thereby enhancing their participation in cross-border trade. With a grant of $453k (1.18billion TZS) from TMA, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, this partnership marks the launch of the Financial and Digital Inclusion for Women Traders in Tanzania project, which focuses on three strategic areas: improving market access and information, boosting the use of digital financial services, and advocating for a supportive policy and regulatory environment. Despite Tanzania's strides in digital innovation, women traders face significant barriers to economic participation. The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) reports a rise in digital subscriptions, yet women's participation remains low. Only 34% of women have internet access, and just 18% have a bank account and 51% of all financial excluded are youth,highlighting the urgent need for financial inclusion. Challenges include non-responsive policies, limited access to financial services, low digital literacy, and inadequate market information. Women and youth traders also face hurdles such as lack of collateral, cumbersome lending procedures, often lack the collateral required for loans, face cumbersome lending procedures, and are subject to unfavourable charges and fees. Additionally, social and household responsibilities, limited education, and cultural norms further constrain their economic...

Nakonde Border Post Upgrade Works Set to Commence After Site Handover to Contractor

Nakonde, June 19, 2024: The Government of Zambia and TradeMark Africa (TMA) yesterday officially handed over to the contractor the site for upgrading the Nakonde border into a one stop border post (OSBP). This marks the commencement of improvement works to ease cross-border trade and transit between Zambia and Tanzania by reducing congestion. The handing-over ceremony was attended by representatives from the Governments of Zambia and the UK, TradeMark Africa, and the contractor. Funded by the UK government, the approximately £8.4 million project will improve the flow of goods and people along the Dar es Salaam Corridor, streamline operations, enhance customs efficiency, and reduce cargo clearance on both sides of the border. The site handover follows the signing of a Partner Support Agreement (PSA) between the Government of Zambia and TradeMark Africa in March this year. The border post will undergo numerous improvements, including upgrading roads within the OSBP and truck parking yard, constructing additional office buildings and warehouses, and installing a modern x-ray cargo scanner. The project also includes digitising clearance processes and installing smart gates to reduce truck dwell times from 64 hours to less than 10 hours (an 84% reduction). The two and a half days it currently takes to clear cargo trucks leads to significant delays and losses for businesses. “This is an important milestone in our multi-stakeholder collaborative efforts to facilitate seamless trade, not just between Tanzania and Zambia, but along the Central Corridor. We are happy to be partnering with the governments of the...