project brief

Market Linkages Programme – KIVUs Region

Project Value

US $ 300,000

Implementation Period

(Start date) - (Expected end date)October 2017 - December 2020

Why this project?

The aim of the project is to reduce the DRC growing trade deficit with its EAC neighbors. To achieve this, TMA is funding an integrated export development programme implemented in Eastern DRC comprising mainly (i) Export Capacity Programme : export audit leading to the development of an export action plan for 20 qualified companies;(ii) Export adviser initiative: 6 month programme of training and hands-on coaching and mentoring in the field of 15 local export advisers; (ii)Market linkages programme: focused market research followed by tailored sales missions for 10-15 companies targeting selected EAC/regional markets.

Responsibility Center : 42_DRC

Project approval summary:

1. PAR approval date: June 2016


2. PAR approval authority: Board

NB/ If the project is above $250,000 a PAR must be submitted for approval

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