

Nairobi – 26 September 2013
TradeMark Africa has today signed a grant worth Kshs 45 Million with the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) which is aimed at improving the business environment and market access to enhance Kenyan trade. The signing was witnessed by KEPSA CEO, Carol Kariuki and TMA Kenya Director, Chris Kiptoo.

The private sector is the engine of economic growth and contributes about 70% to the GDP of Kenya. KEPSA has developed a structured system of engagement between the various Government of Kenya agencies and Private Sector Organisations (PSOs) not only to solve specific business climate problems, but also to address policy bottlenecks.

TMA Kenya Country Director, Dr. Chris Kiptoo and KEPSA CEO, Carol Kariuki signing the grant agreement.

As stated by the KEPSA CEO, Carol Kariuki during the signing, “KEPSA has had a productive partnership with TMA dating back in 2011 when they partnered in a first project which sought to improve Kenyan Trade Logistics and Investment Climate. She reiterated that KEPSA was championing business reforms in Kenya so that the private sector can play their pivotal role of generating wealth and employment creation and to drive economic growth to the levels of 10% required under the economic pillar of Vision 2030. She further stated that KEPSA was partnering with like-minded organisations to drive the agenda of promoting competitiveness of Kenya and TMA has proved to be a useful partner over the last 2 ½ years. “As we walk this journey together, we hope to make an impact on the health of Kenyan economy by growing businesses and getting more Kenyans working to build the nation.”

Since July 2011, KEPSA in partnership with TMA has been implementing a project with the goal of Improving Kenyan Trade Logistics and Investment Climate. This project’s ultimate outcome is a private sector and civil society that positively influences Regional Integration policies and practices for growth in trade and investment. The project had three components: (I) Develop and implement a National Investment Master Plan; II) Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of operations at the Mombasa Port and the persistent delays at weighbridges; and (III) Strengthening participation of Kenya’s private sector in East African Regional Integration.

In his speech TMA’s Kenya Country Director, Chris Kiptoo, said: “KEPSA is an important and strategic partner to TMA emphasizing the significant role played by the private sector in contributing to and influencing the formulation and implementation of pro-growth policies that promote Kenya’s competitiveness, encourage domestic and foreign investment and pursue regional, continental and international economic opportunities.’’

He further singled out KEPSA as a leader in harmonizing private sector approaches on cross-sectoral issues. “With the signing of this agreement, TMA is keen to continue supporting KEPSA to build on the gains made during the first phase and sustain its efforts to improve the effective participation of Kenyan private sector in EAC regional integration process. The private sector is the engine of growth and their full participation in regional integration will enhance trade and ultimately reduce poverty within the region. This is a role that KEPSA can ably take up and lead on”.

The grant support to KEPSA intends to achieve the following intermediate outcomes:

  • Better investment climate and governance in Kenya
  • Increased domestication of EAC trade policy by Kenya.
  • Increased participation of KEPSA and its members in EAC regional integration

Kenya Private Sector Alliance
KEPSA brings value into the Kenyan private sector since as its apex body, it has the capability of rallying the private sector to speak in a single voice on issues affecting the business climate in the country. KEPSA realizes that the private sector is the engine of economic growth and development. It also amplifies advocacy issues of its Business Membership Organizations (BMOs) members when there is a need, thus strengthening the voice of the respective BMO on the particular issue.

The private sector has a certain comparative advantage in implementing projects and programmes that lead to the development of the private sector specifically and national development in general. KEPSA works with developments partners, government and other stakeholders to achieve its goals. KEPSA’s voice is not only heard locally but regionally too and we are making our mark internationally as well, as we develop partnerships with like-minded organizations. At the Secretariat, our areas of focus are impact, sustainability and publicity to achieve the objectives of the private sector.

For more information, please visit the KEPSA website at

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To arrange for interviews please contact:
[su_row] [su_column size=”2/6″]Nelson Karanja
Communications Manager, TradeMark Africa
Tel: +254 20 4235221
Mobile: +254 731 500 596
[/su_column][su_column size=”4/6″]
Judith Nemaisa
Head of Communication and Advocacy, Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Tel: +254 20 4235221
Mobile: +254 770 052 923

Source: TradeMark Africa(TMA)


TradeMark Africa (TMA) is an aid-for-trade organisation that was established with the aim of growing prosperity in East Africa through increased trade. TradeMark Africa (TMA) operates on a not-for-profit basis and is funded by the development agencies of the following countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, UK, and USA. TradeMark Africa (TMA) works closely with East African Community (EAC) institutions, national governments, the private sector and civil society organisations.