

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, 21st October 2015 – The Tanzania Food and Drug Authority (TFDA) and TradeMark Africa (TMA) have unveiled an information system (e-portal) that will enable TFDA serve its clients more efficiently and effectively.
The launch signifies a milestone for the process that started in 2011 whereby TFDA has spent more than TZS 300 million from its own source in the development of Management Information System (MIS). TMA has contributed a total of $250,000 towards supporting TFDA digitalize its operations.

 Tanzania Chief Medical Officer, Prof. Mohammed Bakari launches the TFDA online portal. He is flanked by the TFDA Director General, Hiiti B. Sillo.
Tanzania Chief Medical Officer, Prof. Mohammed Bakari launches the TFDA online portal. He is flanked by the TFDA Director General, Hiiti B. Sillo.

Such investment include development of the system, installation of power backup to ensure reliable supply of power, training of staff, linking Headquarters with zone offices and training of stakeholders on application of the system.
To date, the investment has facilitated development of a Management Information System (MIS) as well as an online trade portal through which traders can apply for import and export certification services.
TMA will continue to support TFDA automate all other key processes including the Laboratory Management Information System. Additional support will go towards integrating TFDA’s portal to finance Section to support an efficient platform for payment. Finally, TMA will support preparations for the TFDA portal to be integrated into the Tanzania National Single Window, which is under development.
Speaking at the launch Dr. Donnan Mmbando, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare said, “The newly introduced system enhances efficiency in decision making, support and work flow management as it reduces time of processing the import and export permits. Moreover, the system serve TFDA clients more efficiently and effectively in registration, regulation and monitoring of food, medicines, cosmetics, medical devices and premises in Tanzania. This initiative will ultimately increase compliance to regulatory requirements, transparency and accountability by stakeholders regarding services offered by TFDA hence, improve quality and safety of regulated products circulating in the market.”
In his remarks, TFDA Director General, Hiiti B. Sillo added, “TFDA is grateful for the support provided by TMA in development of the portal, to be used for data collection, storage and analysis pertaining to regulation of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices and premises in Tanzania. In the end, we expect to see reduced times for traders, improved service provision and value for money.”
Representing TradeMark Africa, Tanzania Country Director, Dr. Josaphat Kweka added, “This portal is expected to speed up the processes for registration, import and exports, greatly enhancing business. We are delighted to be supporting TFDA who are a key partner and play a significant role in protecting and promoting public health by ensuring quality, safety and effectiveness of food, medicines, cosmetics and medical devices.”
Critical to facilitation of trade, the TFDA e-portal will enable traders who deal in importation, exportation and distribution of foods, medicines, cosmetic materials and medical devices to apply and have approval for all the mandatory certificates required online. It will also enable officers to access lodged documents electronically 24/7 while providing for them an interface with Tanzania National Electronic Single Window System which will lead to faster issuance of import and export certificates/permits, hence enhancing trade facilitation.
This development of the online portal has been facilitated by TMA as part of its mandate to promote regional trade and economic integration. TFDA’s electronic portal (e-Portal) is a web based ICT tool that comprises of both the Management Information System (MIS) for back end processes and the trade portal for front end services. An initiative of TFDA, with the support of TradeMark Africa (TMA), the portal is geared towards enabling TFDA live up to its vision and mission.
To serve its clients more efficiently and effectively, TFDA has established a comprehensive Management Information System, to be used for data collection, storage and analysis pertaining to regulation of food, medicines, cosmetics, medical devices and premises in Tanzania. The expected benefits of the online portal include:

  • Increased efficiency through time and cost saving for TFDA and stakeholders, as the portal eliminates the need for physical presence of customers at TFDA offices;
  • Easier access to standardised information and documents at a single entry point;
  • Increased compliance rates;
  • Better transparency and accountability by TFDA and its customers.

Source: Trademark East Africa (TMA)


TradeMark Africa (TMA) is an aid-for-trade organisation that was established with the aim of growing prosperity in East Africa through increased trade. TradeMark Africa (TMA) operates on a not-for-profit basis and is funded by the development agencies of the following countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, UK, and USA. TradeMark Africa (TMA) works closely with East African Community (EAC) institutions, national governments, the private sector and civil society organisations.