project brief

Rwanda ESW and upgrade of CMS


Rwanda Revenue Authority

Target Group

EAC region importers and exporters

Project Value

US$ 3,300,000

Implementation Period

2011 - 2017

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Why this project?

Traders in the East African Community (EAC) currently spend numerous days visiting multiple government agencies in various locations to obtain regulatory information permits, trade licenses and clearance certificates to complete import and export processes. This results in huge costs and time loss for the traders. To counter these inefficiencies in trade facilitation, governments in the EAC have set up national Electronic Single Windows with revenue and port authorities, cross-border trade certification agencies and the private sector.


The Single Window Information for Trade is a trade facilitation concept which allows cross-border traders to access apply for and submit regulatory documents at a single location.


TMA is providing financial support to RRA and other government agencies to implement the Rwanda Electronic Single Window


Jackie Zizane,

Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program

Desired Results

Greater efficiency, transparency and accountability into the goods clearance processes which will contribute to a reduction in transport costs and time in East Africa

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Projects Highlights From A Glance

info access for


crops & over five breeds of livestock

Projects Highlights From A Glance

info access for


crops & over five breeds of livestock

Projects Highlights From A Glance

info access for


crops & over five breeds of livestock

Key outputs include:

Single Window portal and customs management system implemented

Cater for other related costs to the implementation of ESW/CMS

Installation of ESW/ASYCUDA in selected pilot sites and OGAs completed

New interfaces with remaining OGAs developed

Interface ASYCUDA with e-TAX

National rollout of ESW/ASYCUDA

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