project brief

Rwanda Private Sector Federation: organisational capacity development


Rwanda Private Sector Federation

Target Group

Private Sector Organisations

Project Value

US$ 622,000

Implementation Period

2011 - 2016

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Why this project?

Rwanda has a number of non-state actors in diverse fields that have the opportunity to play a significant role influencing regulatory reforms in Rwanda and the regional integration process. The organisations have a critical role of communicating to, and educating, citizens and businesses about the opportunities, risks, costs and benefits of the EAC. Despite this crucial role the organisations face challenges resulting from limited human and financial resources and a lack of expertise and experience in research and advocacy whilst the private sector is relatively underdeveloped. Consolidated efforts are required from PSOs and CSOs, and their representative organisations, to engage in and contribute to EA integration.


The aim of this project is to design and implement a three-year strategic plan that focuses on advocacy, communication and capacity development with the aim of improving the quality and delivery of PSF services and to enable the organization to play a greater role in a wider EAC context.


TradeMark Africa is providing technical and financial assistance to RPSF for institutional capacity development.


David Butera ,

Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program

Desired Results

The Rwanda Private Sector Federation increases its level of success in advocating for improvement in the business environment. This will contribute to achieving a private sector-led sustainable economic growth and social development which will positively influence regional integration policies and practices for growth in trade.

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Projects Highlights From A Glance

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crops & over five breeds of livestock

Projects Highlights From A Glance

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crops & over five breeds of livestock

Key outputs include:

RPSF institutional capacity developed

RPSF consultative tools and processes established

Research activities on key national advocacy themes developed

PSOs trained on advocacy at the regional and local level

RPSF advocacy procedures and channels established

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