Thematic Area: NTBs

Tanzania NTB National Monitoring Committee

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Tanzania NTB National Monitoring Committee" implementor="Tanzania NTB National Monitoring Committee" target_group="Public and Private Sector group" project_value="US$ 1,374,014.45" implementation_period="2011 - 2017" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]NTBs account for a significant proportion of the high transportation costs in the EAC which are estimated to limit intra-regional trade by approximately 15% [World Bank] and constitute significant limitations to foreign direct investment. The existing NTBs have also created a mechanism which funds government institutions and a culture which also includes the possibility of corruption. In Tanzania, foreign-registered cargo trucks are required to pay US$ 500 to the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) on each entry, in addition to annual fees of $600. This makes eliminating NTBs one of the highest priorities for the EAC Secretariat and member states. What: Elimination of NTBs. Key outputs include; Chamber programme on advocacy and monitoring of NTBs designed and delivered Awareness, training, stakeholder consultation and study tours on NTB removal conducted How: Advocating and dialogue through the National Monitoring Committee (NMC) Contact: Elibariki Shammy, Email: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42718" image_2="42678"]Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) which will contribute to reduction in transport costs along key corridors in East Africa[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row disable_element="yes"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_2="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_3="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock"][single_project_content]Key output includes: Consolidating the results of...

Rwanda NTB National Monitoring Committee established

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Rwanda NTB National Monitoring Committee established" implementor="Rwanda National Monitoring Committee" target_group="Importers and exporters in East Africa" project_value="US$ 1,869,449.95" implementation_period="2011 - 2016" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]NTBs account for a significant proportion of the high transportation costs in the EAC. These unwelcome barriers drive up business costs of importing and exporting goods, make business globally uncompetitive, and increase prices to consumers across the entire region. What: The NMC work plan is built around three strategic outcomes, each contributing to an important capacity issues and processes in the monitoring and elimination of NTBs. How: TMA is providing funding for the Rwanda NMC to strengthen its management and organization and develop new processes for NTBs monitoring and elimination. Contact: Eve Gossiaux, Email: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42808" image_2="42806"]Enhance the capacity of the National Monitoring Committee and other institutions involved in the elimination of NTB’s that affect imports into and exports out of Rwanda in the context of the EAC Time-Bound Program for Elimination of NTB’s[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="project-insight"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_2="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_3="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock"][single_project_content]The key outputs include: Strategic plan for NTB elimination developed Research papers on priority NTBs produced Bilateral dispute resolution mechanism established [/single_project_content][single_project_content]M&E system for NTB elimination developed NMC legal framework developed National and regional NTB...

Burundi NTB National Monitoring Committee

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Burundi NTB National Monitoring Committee" implementor="National Monitoring Committee on NTBs" target_group="The Burundian Government, the national and international business stakeholders" project_value="US$ 587,137.8" implementation_period="2011 - 2015" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]NTBs are defined in the EAC as “quantitative restrictions and specific limitations that act as obstacles to trade”. Such restrictions and limitations are embedded in laws, regulations, practices and requirements other than tariffs and include non-tariff charges, government participation in trade, restrictive trade practices and policies, among others. Burundi is particularly affected and in terms of cost of export and import ranks among the most expensive in the world. Reducing the time and cost losses to exporters and importers is thus paramount to Burundi’s increased regional integration and trade facilitation, but also to sustaining growth in the long run. What: The aim of this project is to support the National Monitoring Committee (NMC) develop a national strategy and an action plan on eliminating NTB's. How: TMA will provide the required support to Burundi NMC in hiring a coordinator in charge of coordinating activities of the committee Contact: Sandra Nyambuza, Email: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42084" image_2="42057"]The NMC Coordinator is fully operational; An NMC Strategy is elaborated and validated, a National Action Plan is elaborated and implemented. Together, this results will strengthen of the NMC for the elimination of NTBs in Burundi[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock"...