Country: Advocacy

Support to Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Support to Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)" implementor="Tanzania Private Sector Foundation" target_group="Businesses and Business member organisation" project_value="US$ 671,000" implementation_period="2012 - 2017" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]In Tanzania, attempts by the PSOs to play a more active role in influencing state policy reforms is hampered by restricted participation and lack of appropriate information. Conversely, key potential PSO partners face daunting internal governance challenges. PSOs don’t engage effectively in the integration process and have limited formal institutional engagement with public sector agencies. Most significantly, Tanzanians have inadequate understanding of the integration process and its associated benefits. Successful attempts to influence the government must be anchored on comprehensive evidence and well-argued policy position papers. PSOs have expressed a strong need for support research and capacity development on trade-related issues. What: This project through TPSF is designed to overcome existing challenges of lack of knowledge and understanding about the EAC processes; lack of productive capacities; the existing NTBs imposed by national authorities as well as those imposed by the regional partners; high costs of doing business in Tanzania; lack of business acumen among Tanzanians; low quality of products/services, lack of confidence; and poor government/policies to assist local and eventually cross border businesses. How: TMA Tanzania country programme will provide support through a mix of grants for demand-driven research and advocacy proposals, technical assistance and financial assistance for institutional capacity development. Contact: Elibariki Shammy, Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="43278" image_2="43225"]Enhanced awareness, knowledge and...

Support to Tanzania Association of NGO’s

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Support to Tanzania Association of NGO's" implementor="Tanzania Association of NGOs" target_group="Civil Society Organisations" project_value="US$ 95,000" implementation_period="2012 - 2017" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]NGOs in Tanzania have received little recognition as valuable partners in development and continue to suffer from government suspicion and marginalisation. Attempts by the NGOs to play a more active role in influencing state policy reforms is hampered by restricted participation and lack of appropriate information. What: This project aims at collecting reviewing and re-packaging existing knowledge and information on EAC regional integration for online/offline dialogue; and Enhancing a Knowledge base of civil society actors for evidence-based advocacy. How: The TMA Tanzania PSO and CSO Programme will support TANGO in creating awareness about regional integration and nurturing a positive attitude towards it among Tanzanians. Contact: Elibariki Shammy Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="43264" image_2="43266"]Increased representation of the views of civil society in EAC venues for national development. This will positively contribute to regional integration policies and practices for growth in trade in East Africa.[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="project-insight"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_2="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_3="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock"][single_project_content]Key outputs include; TANGO advocates on regional integration on behalf of its members and other CSO actors [/single_project_content][single_project_content]TANGO holds roundtable with CSOs and policy makers to discuss specific RI issues TANGO uploads...

Support to EACSOF

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Support to EACSOF" implementor="East Africa Civil Society Organisations Forum" target_group="National platform of CSOs/East African Civil Society Organisations Forum (EACSOF) Rwanda chapter and affiliate member groups" project_value="US$ 293,000" implementation_period="2012 - 2016" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]The East African Civil Society Organizations’ Forum (EACSOF) is a regional organization striving to represent a wide ranging diversity of CSOs in the East African Community integration process. Being a young organization, EACSOF has to keep pace with the speed of the integration process by providing timely services to its key stakeholders and also grow itself as a formally recognized institution at the EAC. In order to fulfil its mandate, EACSOF Rwanda seeks to implement programmes that strengthen civil society participation in the EAC integration process. What: Strengthen the capacity of the National Platform for Civil Society to represent civil society interests on regional integration. How: TMA is providing financial and technical assistance to EACSOF Rwanda for the Strengthening of the National Platform for Civil Society’s capacity. Contact: Anataria Karimba, Email: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42898" image_2="42818"]Rwanda Civil Society platforms’ capacity strengthened to effectively engage in EAC issues and to influence regional integration policies and practices. This will lead to PSO/CSO organisations positively influencing regional integration policies and practices for growth in trade.[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="project-insight"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_2="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock"...

Rwanda Private Sector Federation: organisational capacity development

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Rwanda Private Sector Federation: organisational capacity development" implementor="Rwanda Private Sector Federation" target_group="Private Sector Organisations" project_value="US$ 622,000" implementation_period="2011 - 2016" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]Rwanda has a number of non-state actors in diverse fields that have the opportunity to play a significant role influencing regulatory reforms in Rwanda and the regional integration process. The organisations have a critical role of communicating to, and educating, citizens and businesses about the opportunities, risks, costs and benefits of the EAC. Despite this crucial role the organisations face challenges resulting from limited human and financial resources and a lack of expertise and experience in research and advocacy whilst the private sector is relatively underdeveloped. Consolidated efforts are required from PSOs and CSOs, and their representative organisations, to engage in and contribute to EA integration. What: The aim of this project is to design and implement a three-year strategic plan that focuses on advocacy, communication and capacity development with the aim of improving the quality and delivery of PSF services and to enable the organization to play a greater role in a wider EAC context. How: TradeMark Africa is providing technical and financial assistance to RPSF for institutional capacity development. Contact: David Butera , Email: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42460" image_2="42818"]The Rwanda Private Sector Federation increases its level of success in advocating for improvement in the business environment. This will contribute to achieving a private sector-led sustainable economic growth and social development which will...

State of East Africa research reports

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="State of East Africa research reports" implementor="Society for International Development (SID)" target_group="East African Citizens" project_value="US$ 1,100,000" implementation_period="2011 - 2016" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]A political economy study by TMA in 2006 found that policy-making in the EAC has failed effectively to engage the public in open debate. Whilst the EAC Treaty requires the involvement of PSOs and CSOs, it is unclear on entry points and frameworks for engagement. The key association representing the private sector at the regional level is the East African Business Council with an embryonic East Africa CSO Forum seeking to represent civil society across the region. These institutions are, however, weak, lack long-term or comprehensive support, and are criticised for failing adequately to represent their constituencies. What: There is a case for TMA to support the two key apex institutions, and existing or new regional platforms to improve collaboration, facilitating fora for engagement with policy-makers and working with big business to implement strategies for joint action. How: TMA will provide the required technical and financial assistance to SID to conduct the research. Contact: Gloria Atuheirwe, Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42890" image_2="42888"]Information and analysis that can be used by policymakers, civil society and the private sector to advocate their concerns and interests with respect to regional integration.[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="project-insight"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20 crops & over five breeds of livestock" slide_2="info access for 20 crops & over five...

Kenya Association of Manufacturers: Tax and quality compliance costs

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Kenya Association of Manufacturers: Tax and quality compliance costs" implementor="Kenya Association of Manufacturers" target_group="Manufacturers" project_value="US$ 725,004" implementation_period="2011 - 2013" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]The manufacturing sector contributes about 14% of GDP in Kenya and directly absorbs about 13% of total formal employment. The significance of the manufacturing sector is visible when viewed against regional trade. The performance of Kenya’s manufacturing sectors impacts significantly on other economic and social fundamentals like inflation in the region. Doing business in Kenya can be burdensome, posing a major challenge on how to remain competitive. For example, industries have to cope with the high cost of quality compliance and tax compliance. What: Through TMA financial support, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) proposes to develop evidence based policy advocacy positions on how to reduce the cost of doing business and to enhance the competitiveness of Kenyan industries globally, and particularly in the East African Community. How: Trade Mark East Africa will offer financial support to Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), to develop evidence based policy advocacy positions on how to reduce the cost of doing business and to enhance the competitiveness of Kenyan Industries globally and particularly in the East African Community. Contact: Joshua Mutunga: Simon Konzolo: Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42634" image_2="42636"]KAM positively influencing the trade regulatory framework and practices, and improves and increases the implementation of quality advocacy campaigns towards the East African Community Integration. This will positively contribute to regional...

SEATINI-Upgrading quality standards in agriculture for Uganda maize and sesame.

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="SEATINI-Upgrading quality standards in agriculture for Uganda maize and sesame." implementor="Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)" target_group="Maize and sesame farmers/producers" project_value="US$ 300,000" implementation_period="2014 - 2017" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]Maize and sesame sub- sector have been faced with the challenge of poor quality across the region resulting from low standards. This has subjected farmers and traders to losses as a result of their goods being rejected at the borders. A number of policies and NTBs continue to affect these 2 sub-sectors in Uganda as a result of failure to meet standards. The EAC Common Market Score Card 2014 (World Bank and International Finance Cooperation) identified Sanitary and Phyto sanitary measures with the most categories of NTBs. The study identified cumbersome testing and certification procedures; non-recognition of quality marks and SPS certificate from other partner states and stringent requirements for exports of products as the most issues related to SPS and technical standards. Most farmers are not yet educated about the importance of handling the produce carefully after harvest so the quality is often bad and it discourages the buyers. Since maize and sesame are grown by the poor communities, supporting export capacities in this area through reducing NTBs associated with differing national requirements for standards will mitigate poverty and protect Uganda maize and sesame exports from negative shocks as she opens up to her neighbors. What: This project aims to support SEATINI develop policy papers to advocate for implementation of EAC standards on maize; work...

Logistics and Advocacy

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Logistics and Advocacy" implementor="Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)." target_group="Logistic sector group" project_value="US$ 671,000" implementation_period="2011 - 2018" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]Logistics costs limit the competitive participation of a country in trade since the delivered costs of imports are higher, exports are less competitive and attraction for foreign direct investment is diminished. In Tanzania for instance, this is mainly due to poorly maintained rail and road infrastructure; inefficient operational processes and poor access to key transport hubs; overlaps in administrative processes and unclear management structure, and outdated processes and insufficient human resource capabilities. Therefore, TMA intends to unlock the logistics potentials in the trade networks by addressing the key identified challenges to ensure improved Business Competitiveness. What: TMA’s interventions focus on reducing the cost and time of doing business in the region as well as expanding trade opportunities to enhance the business environment. This can be achieved through augmenting the capacity of the logistics sector along the trade networks in the country whose impact will be reflected across the region. How: The logistics platform is the key mechanism through which the enhancing capacity of logistics players, adopting a strategy for logistics; implementing a monitoring mechanism for the strategy; improving coordination of logistics stakeholders and influencing policy will be handled. Contact: Elibariki Shammy, Email; Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42644" image_2="42616"]Improved Business Competitiveness through Efficient Trade Logistics Services[/single_project_block_2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="project-insight"][vc_column][project_single_ele_3_container heading="More Project Insights." sub_heading="Projects Highlights From A Glance" slide_1="info access for 20...

Capacity Building to Women Cross Border Traders in Tanzania

[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="Capacity Building to Women Cross Border Traders in Tanzania" implementor="Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce" target_group="Women Cross Border Traders in Tanzania" project_value="US$1,648,000" implementation_period="July 2016 – June 2023" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link=""]Both formal and informal women traders in Africa, particularly in Tanzania fail to optimize the trade and business potentials and opportunities across the region mainly due inadequate capacity and lack of knowledge on doing business in the region. What: Capacity Building to Women Cross Border Traders in Tanzania builds on existing work between TMA and Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce (TWCC), which aims at building the capacity of women traders in the country reflecting on key challenging areas of inadequate capacity and lack of knowledge on doing business in the region.  Key results include; Tanzania WICBTs increase their exports to EAC market and beyond Women traders increase use of formal trade channels Increased knowledge and understanding on EAC CU/CMP and cross border requirements, business and trade /export procedures Gender-related (based) constraints reduced Increased compliance to EAC quality & standards by targeted WICBTs How: The project will carry out tailor-made trainings on rules, regulations benefits and available opportunities for Tanzanian women traders; and Identify and address the existing gender-based constraints that limit women's ability to participate in cross-border trade; as well as build capacity of the selected women cross-border traders on how to improve their product standards. Contact: Elibariki Shammy, Email; Click here to learn more about One Stop Border Posts Program[/single_project_block_1][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id="desired-result"][vc_column][single_project_block_2 heading="Desired Results" image_1="42242" image_2="42244"]Tanzania WICBTs increase...


[vc_row][vc_column][custom_inner_menus select_menu="project"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][single_project_block_1 heading="iShamba" implementor="Mediae Company, Kenya" target_group="20,000 smallholder farmers in Kenya" project_value="US$ 347, 060" implementation_period="2015-2016 (12 Months)" download_btn_text="Download Project PDF" download_btn_link="#url"]Access to quality agricultural information remains a challenge to many Kenyan farmers despite the fact that their ability to increase food production and benefit economically is linked to their ability to adopt new farming practices, solve problems and link to markets. While farmers currently access information through a web of social networks, sometimes this information is limited and cannot help them increase their farm productivity. What: Kenya’s mobile penetration stands at 82% with an expected rise to 90% before 2030, according to Communication Authority of Kenya.  Therefore, mobile phone accessibility in Kenya, especially among the poor, makes it an important tool to pass important information on agriculture, which can enable farmers to improve their incomes.  iShamba, a Kenyan based mobile phone subscription- Farmers Club, was developed to respond to the need of access to information for farmers by utilising the rapid expansion of mobile phones. iShamba (translated to iFarm from Swahili) provides quality information on farm inputs, best practices, weather and prices to the subscribed farmers. Its main aim is to improve the yields and income derived from selling produce for participating farmers and create a commercially sustainable business model for the SMS service.  It works through a platform that digitally manages agricultural information and disseminates it through an SMS distribution and call centre facility without the need for a Mobile Network Operator. Since its inception, the iShamba SMS service...