
TradeMark Africa supports public private dialogue in Tanzania to boost Tanzania’s competitiveness

Dar es salaam June 3rd 2019 – TradeMark Africa (TMA) and Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) have today signed a grant agreement to support Public Private Dialogue (PPD) in Tanzania. The three years grant amounting USD 1,190,000 (equivalent to TZS 2.7 billion) is expected to end in June 2022.

The grant is expected to improve sectoral dialogues amongst the private sector, and between public and private sectors through with a specific focus on trade, logistics and transports, taxes, customs, standards, and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) with the aim of improving the business environment and attract investments in the country.

In his remarks Mr. John Ulanga TMA’s Country Director said

 “We are glad today to sign this agreement which is going to help the private sector to dialogue with the government in a more constructive way backed up with data. TradeMark Africa strongly believes in the importance of collaboration between the Government and Private Sector, and that can only be achieved through effective dialogues. When the two work together collaboratively, a lot more can be achieved, and the cost of doing business will reduce hence making our country more competitive”

Mr. Ulanga added that

“Tanzania has the biggest advantage in the East and Central Africa Region due to its geographical location.  Bordered by six countries, Tanzania deserves to be the Trade and Logistics Hub of the region.  Therefore, this grant will help in the conversations amongst private sector, and between public and public sector on how to ensure Tanzania can take advantage of its position economically””

In his remarks the TPSF’s Executive Director Mr. Godfrey Simbeye thanked TMA for the continuous support to the Tanzania private sector

“ TMA has been a true partner in private sector development. Signing of the grant today is another big milestone building from previous supports from TMA. The PPD project is going to build on the initial dialogue platform on logistics which TMA had supported in which thirteen logistics stakeholders have been engaging under the National Logistics Platform. Further, between 2014 and 2017 TMA provided a grant of more that USD 600,000 to TPSF to enable the private sector engage on EAC regional integration policy issues. This proves that TMA is indeed dedicated to improve the country’s private sector and has been a real partner in the trade agenda of the country”

The project’s key outputs include;

  • Reduction in transport cost and time (road, rail and air) and Increased efficiency in private sector logistics services provision;
  • Enhanced Customs, port and other trade-related agencies efficiency and reduce service time through inter-agency collaboration, digitising and integrated trade management systems;
  • Reduction in tariffs, taxes and levies (including sub-national) and increased tax incentives;
  • Enhanced efficiency of bureau of standards, reduction in related costs, reduce counterfeit and sub-standard goods, and improve private sector compliance; and
  • Catalysing increase in exports annually, creation of direct and indirect jobs, and increased investment in targeted sectors in Tanzania under the Compact and trade logistic clusters (TLCs) through increased investment incentives.