project brief

Electronic One Stop Solution (eOSS)


The Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA), is an autonomous Government Agency established under the Export Processing Zones Act. The Authority is responsible for development of EPZ and SEZ infrastructure, provision of business services to EPZ and SEZ investors and issuing of EPZ and SEZ licenses within the Mainland Tanzania.

Target Group

Importers and Exporters in East Africa

Project Value


Implementation Period

July 2018 – June 2021

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Why this project?

Currently, EPZA has Fifteen (15) key business-related processes and none of the processes are automated. This has major shortcomings including inefficient services, unpredictable services, redundant/duplicated processes, lack of transparency among others. This is not an attractive environment for investors.


The electronic One Stop Solution (eOSS) is expected to automate the Fifteen (15) key business processes (these include services offered by different government agencies/departments) by establishing an online system that will offer a single point of service for all its clients/customers.

At the end of this project the EPZA anticipates to achieve the following:

  1. Digitize its internal processes and procedures to facilitate better inter-departmental coordination and collaboration throughout all the Export Processing Zones (EPZ) and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) managed and regulated by the Authority.
  2. Digitalize its services to facilitate ease of access and high availability of services to investors and other stakeholders.
  3. Interface its services with other services offered by other government agencies and hence effectively creating a single point of access and availability of all services required by investors to set up and operate in EPZ and SEZs in Tanzania.

Project’s Key Outputs include:

  • eOSS system is developed and deployed.
  • eOSS system is integrated with other systems.
  • Change Management strategy is developed and implemented.
  • eOSS operations are established.

Project’s Key Outputs include:

  • ECTS system is developed and deployed.
  • ECTS system is integrated with other systems.
  • Change Management strategy is developed and implemented.
  • ECTS operations are established.
  • Rapid Response units are operationalized.


Through a Partner Support Financing Agreement, TMA will support EPZA in implementing the eOSS. Delivery of this solution will require identifying and working with an experienced Technology Partner. It is expected that a rigorous Change Management plan will be developed and implemented. This will ensure that all stakeholders are engaged and that there is the required buy-in. The technology required to realize the proposed eOSS will include software and hardware that will be procured based on documented requirements that will be detailed during the Requirements Gathering phase. A 2-tier or 3-tear project implementation teams will be constituted as detailed in the Project Charter. As per the Project Cycle Management framework various activities that support the delivery of the project, such as, Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation etc. will be conducted as per the project plan.


Email: Erick Sirali and Elibariki Shammy

Desired Results:

Improved Effectiveness in the Management & Administration of Trade Systems & Procedures.

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